LACIGF 2024 Working Themes

The Latin American and Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (LACIGF) is pleased to announce the selected topics for its 2024 edition. From February 1 to February 26, 2024, LACIGF extended an invitation to all interested parties to propose and prioritize relevant topics for the discussion of Internet governance from regional and local perspectives.
The consultation was attended by 91 participants from 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, who not only prioritized among the proposed topics, but also suggested new topics in an open manner, thus enriching the selection process.
After an analysis and consideration of the proposals, LACIGF is pleased to announce the following selected themes for the 2024 edition:

  • AI and Emerging Technologies
  • Human Rights
  • Cybersecurity
  • Universal Access and Meaningful Connectivity
  • Digital Governance and Cooperation
  • Environment and sustainability
  • Education and digital literacy
  • Gender and diversity
  • Ethical and legal challenges

More detailed information on the consultation can be found at: See document.
These themes reflect the diversity of concerns and priorities within the Latin American and Caribbean Internet community, and will serve as fundamental pillars for the discussions and activities planned for this year.
Intersessional Working Groups will be formed around these themes and will define the sessions and workshops to be held during the annual event.
LACIGF thanks all participants for their contribution and commitment to the process of defining the themes and we look forward to continuing these conversations at LACIGF 2024, where together we will work towards inclusive and equitable Internet governance for our region!